More documents are available at the Sourceforge site. Installation instructions are below.
First, download and install Ruby on Rails and Ruby Gems from
Then, install the ruby MySQL library by executing `gem install mysql` and selecting the right version for your system.
Next, grant access to your OpenSER database for whatever username you intend the interface to access your database with. Now install the database tables modifications by logging into your database server, "use"ing your openser database, and then running the database source file at db/database_tables.sql For a typical installation with MySQL and OpenSER this sequence would look something like:
GRANT ALL ON openser.* TO 'openser'@'dbhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'openserrw'; USE openser; SOURCE path_to_openser_administrator_dir/db/database_tables.sql; EXIT;
Now, link the public-example directory to public with: `ln -s public-example/ public`. This is done to allow each user to modify the public directory to his or her needs without fear of new versions overwriting the old settings.
Finally, configure OpenSER Administrator to use your database settings. First, copy the example file `cp config/database.example config/database.yml`. Next, open database.yml and fill in the settings you defined when you created your MySQL user. In the above examples case, your database.yml should look like this:
development: adapter: mysql database: openser username: openser password: openserrw host: dbhost production: adapter: mysql database: openser username: openser password: openserrw host: dbhost
You are now ready to host the interface with a web server. For simple installations WEBrick can be used. Just go to the application directory, and run `./script/server`. The interface will be available at localhost:3000. Although the default password is openser:openserrw, this is not related to the password defined in the database configuration files, and is actually user data stored in the users table. The password can be changed from within the web interface.
For production environments, I recommend either Mongrel as a stand-alone server, or in combination with Apache.
This is a good site for setting up Apache to Mongrel forwarding.
To upgrade, all that is required is to save backup copies of all of your customized files, like database.yml, environment.rb, and whatever others. Then, overwrite all the files in the directory containing the old version with the ones from the new version. Now, overwrite the new configuration files with the backups from your old version. If you're using mongrel, you will need to recreate the symlinks in the public directory.
Removing OpenSER Administrator
Removal should be extremely easy. To return the OpenSER tables back to their original state and to delete the OpenSER Administrator specific tables, run the db/delete_database_tables.sql script. Finally, delete the directory containing OpenSER Administrator.